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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
Conference (other) | Shraddha Chatterjee, Bertrand Six, Jean-marc Michel, Matthew Burresson © 2016 | November

Porosity estimation using EMERGE for an onshore Abu Dhabi field. CGG processed the seismic and it was followed by seismic inversion. The P-impedance was further used in predicting the porosity. This porosity result very helpful to client to well planning and drilling to target ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Kiki Hong Xu, Brian Russell, Kris Innanen © 2016 SEG | October

The characteristics of lithologic reservoirs, such as complex channels with distinctly lateral variations and variable thickness, make such reservoir features difficult to identify when using conventional geostatistical methods or applying seismic attribute methods. To decrease the uncertainty and improve the lateral distribution of the ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Gordon Poole, Simon King © 2016 SEG | October

Free-surface datum variations cause complications for hydrophone only receiver deghosting algorithms that assume a horizontal free-surface. We describe a multi-shot receiver deghosting approach that derives a tau-psht-prec model of ghost free data at mean free-surface datum. The model is derived so as to simultaneously ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Min Wang, Yi Xie, Weiquan Xu, Kefeng Xin, Boon Leng Chuah, Fong Cheen Loh, Tad Manning, Simon Wolfarth © 2016 SEG | October

In this paper, we develop Dynamic-warping Full Waveform Inversion (D-FWI) to address cycle skipping problem which is a well-known challenging issue in conventional FWI. The dynamic warping technique is used to detect the travel time difference between the predicted and the observed wave fields ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Ronan Sablon, Jean-Michel Deprey, Celine Lacombe © 2016 SEG | October

Multiple attenuation is a key step of broadband marine processing which could be challenging for primary preservation, spatial continuities and low frequencies. Rather than a cascaded de-multiple sequence, which could lead to cumulate mistakes and uncertainties, with final results potentially questionable for further pre-stack ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Can Peng, Jie Meng © 2016 SEG | October

We propose a 3D deblending method for towed streamer simultaneous source data based on an L1 inversion algorithm. It pursues the sparse representation of 3D coherent signals of the various sources that match the blended data in a combined transform domain of 2D TauP ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Timmy Dy, Weiping Gou, Wonkee Kim, Chang-Chun Lee, Priyanka Sadhnani © 2016 SEG | October

Vertical Seismic Profile (VSP) surveys rely on three-component (3C) geophones to acquire high-resolution data at target reservoirs. These 3C geophones are comprised of three independent receivers, mounted orthogonally. When inside the borehole, the orientation of each 3C geophone is unknown. To enhance image stacking ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | James Trousdale, Liuling Gong, Adam Searle, Jiawei Mei, Jingfeng Zhang, Colin Melvin, Robert Pool, Sheryl Land © 2016 SEG | October

Analyzing seismic amplitude trends requires stability of the seismic wavelet in both amplitude and phase. Unfortunately, in land acquisition, the filter applied as energy travels through the near-surface can have a dramatic impact on both. Here, we will extend previous work on proposing detailed ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Yi Xie, Bin Zhou, Joe Zhou, Jiangtao Hu, Lei Xu, Xiaodong Wu, Nina Lin, Zhiliang Wang © 2016 SEG | October

The presence of orthorhombic anisotropy poses serious challenges in multi azimuth (MAZ) or wide azimuth (WAZ) data imaging. Orthorhombic anisotropy makes seismic velocity vary with azimuthal direction as well as polar direction. The polar direction dependency can cause well misties and higher order moveout ...

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