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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | A.A. Adeyemi* (Total SA), A. Lafram (Total SA), P. Charron (Total SA), C. Radigon (CGG SA), T. Pigeaud (Total EP Qatar), M. Emang (Qatar Petroleum) © 2017 EAGE | June

Time-lapse seismic processing in carbonate fields having complex geology and in difficult seismic contexts requires highly specialized teams for success. Our field case has a flat structure, a poorly-imaged but highly reflective sea bottom and is covered by towed-streamer data in about 60m of ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | A. Saleh (Shell), A. El.Fiki (Shell), J.M. Rodriguez (Ardiseis), S. Laroche (CGG), K.Y. Castor (CGG), D. Marin (CGG), T. Bianchi (CGG), P. Bertrand (CGG), P. Herrmann* (CGG) © 2017 EAGE | June

Over the recent years, numerous case studies have highlighted the strong link between the geophysical value of seismic acquisition and the maximization of two metrics: trace density (expressed as the number of source-receiver pairs per square kilometers) and frequency bandwidth (expressed in octaves). Here ...

Industry Article
First Break | Geoffrey Dorn, Joseph Dominguez © 2017 EAGE | May

The detection and mapping of fractures in migrated poststack 3D seismic data depends on the resolution and signal-tonoise ratio of the data in the seismic volume. A discussion of resolution problems and the limits of resolution in post-stack 3D seismic data, and structurally-oriented post-stack ...

Industry Article
Oilfield Technology | Jo Firth © 2017 Palladian Publications Ltd | May

Seismic Interference (SI) has long been a problem for seismic data acquisition in congested areas such as the North Sea, but thanks to advances in processing algorithms and new cooperative management techniques developed in conjunction with Statoil and RIL, downtime or time sharing due ...

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Kerry Blinston, Henri Blondelle © 2017 SEG | March

We discuss a feasibility study to access the 11,500 well headers and 450,000 documents from the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS) that were released by Common Data Access Limited. A cost-effective solution based on emerging machine learning technology “taught” and guided by data-management experts ...

Industry Article
Oilfield Technology | Trevor Coulman, Ronald Kenny, Sue Rezai, Alain Viau, Olivier Winter © 2017 Palladian Publications Ltd | March

A case history in West Texas, in the Permian Basin, of a non-exclusive seismic imaging project spanning acquisition, processing and reservoir interpretation. Located in Howard and Glasscock counties, the Hobo non-exclusive seismic survey aims at imaging and quantitatively interpreting the Spraberry and Wolfcamp formations.

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | R.R. Haacke (CGG), L. Casasanta (CGG), S. Hou (CGG) & J.R. Henderson (Nexen) © 2017 EAGE | March

Although good for time-lapse monitoring, ocean-bottom surveys often miss the first time-step of initial fluid production. To capture this it is necessary to co-process ocean-bottom data with the exploration dataset, usually towed streamer. Our North Sea study has significant 4D noise produced by un-cancelled ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE workshop/forum/local conference | K. McCluskey (CGG), S. Buizard (CGG), M. McCluskey (CGG), R. Zietal (CGG) & N. Moyle (Statoil ASA) © 2017 EAGE | March

The purpose of this abstract is to highlight how some of the inconsistencies relating to environmental and acquisition differences are and dealt with in the context of fast delivery Snorre PRM data. The topics summarised are those which have been especially important to the ...

Technical Abstract
Workshop/forum/seminar (other) | Claire Roberts, Adam Thomas, Michael Wooster © 2017 | February

Abstract focusses on the LiveLand ESA IAP project and summarises how earth observation, weather forecast and GNSS can assist with the challenges transport operators across Scotland experience in relation to landslides and ground deformation along transport routes.

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