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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
SEG workshop/forum/local conference | Ksenia Filippova, Irina Yakovleva, Yury Pavlovskiy, Peter Mesdag © 2016 SEG | October

Azimuthal inversion is state-of-the-art inversion technology for stress and fractured reservoir characterization and detection in anisotropic media. This technology requires a wide-azimuth seismic survey and careful azimuth dependent processing with noise attenuation. In this paper, the influence of noise attenuation on the reliability of ...

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Erik Hicks, Henning Hoeber, Marianne Houbiers, Séverine Pannetier Lescoffit, Andrew Ratcliffe, Vetle Vinje © 2016 SEG | October

We demonstrate a 4D FWI technique using a synthetic study involving 3D elastic modeling through a highly realistic Earth model akin to the actual Grane PRM data. For this acquisition configuration, this study also indicates there is minimal sensitivity of the method to various ...

Industry Article
First Break | Reza Saberi, Jimmy Ting © 2016 EAGE | October

This paper reviews elastic property changes in anisotropic mediums and proposes a workflow to model elastic stiffness tensor using conventional well logs in a vertical transverse isotropic medium. The proposed workflow uses the concept of downscaling and then upscaling of normal logs using Backus ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Chang-Chun Lee, Weiping Gou, Francis Rollins, Qingsong Li, Tianxia Jia, Samarjit Chakraborty © 2016 SEG | October

3D VSP data provides a unique opportunity to improve image resolution and fault definition in the vicinity of a well. However, the processing and imaging of VSP data requires special accommodations for its distinctive acquisition geometry. In this abstract, we demonstrate two key VSP ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Jimmy Ting, ChungShen Lee, Trisakti Kurniawan, Jahan Zeb © 2016 SEG | October

A quantitative interpretation was carried out in order to improve geological model and de-risk the prospect in the next exploration drilling campaign. Recently drilled exploration wells based on conventional seismic interpretation drilled through channel levee instead of the targeted channel core. Vertical resolution, reservoir ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Robert Soubaras © 2016 SEG | October

Pre-stack elastic inversion requires a reliable wavelet model. This wavelet model must take into account the angle dependency of the wavelet, as well as the time dependency. This is even more important for broadband data, as the wavelets exhibit more variations, due to the ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Ping Wang, Adriano Gomes, Zhigang Zhang, Merlin Wang © 2016 SEG | October

We investigated how current least-squares reverse time migration (LSRTM) methods perform on subsalt images. First, we compared the formulation of data-domain vs. image-domain least-squares migration (LSM), as well as methods using single-iteration approximation vs. iterative inversion. Next, we examined the resulting subsalt images of ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Botao Qin, Gilles Lambare © 2016 SEG | October

The importance of inverting jointly velocity and density parameters in full waveform inversion (FWI) is well established. In a former work we had proposed an innovative preserved amplitude FWI allowing improving the convergence rate of FWI. It was derived from preserved amplitude reverse time ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Arash Jafargandomi, Henning Hoeber © 2016 SEG | October

Spectral broadening of migrated and stacked seismic images is a common method to enhance interpretability of reflection data. In this paper we propose a prestack AVA compliant spectral broadening approach based on non-stationary wavelet deconvolution. The algorithm employs AVA coupling in the prestack domain ...

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