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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Thomas Elboth (CGG), Honglei Shen (CGG), Jamshade Khan (CGG) © 2017 EAGE | June

This paper presents recent advances in the area of seismic interference (SI) attenuation. We show how high amplitude and broadside SI noise can be nearly perfectly attenuated as long as the interfering noise is shot-to-shot incoherent. Furthermore, we present a new algorithm that also ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Vetle Vinje (CGG), Jan Erik Lie (Lundin Norway), Vidar Danielsen (Lundin Norway), Per-Eivind Dhelie (Lundin Norway), Risto Siliqi (CGG), Carl-inge Nilsen (CGG), Erik Hicks (CGG), Cathy Walters (CGG), Anne Dagny Camerer (CGG) © 2017 EAGE | June

In this paper we present a new marine seismic acquisition technique initially developed to meet imaging challenges of the Loppa High in the Norwegian Barents Sea. Two seismic vessels operate in tandem; one streamer vessel towing a spread of deep, densely spaced streamers, and ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Laurene Michou, Loic Michel, Philippe Herrmann, Philippe Feugere, Thierry Coleou, Jean-luc Formento © 2017 EAGE | June

Survey design comparison regarding seismic reservoir characterization objectives: a case study from South Tunisia L. Michou, L. Michel, P. Herrmann, T. Coleou, P.Feugere, J.L. Formento The objective of this onshore survey designs’ comparison case study is to highlight the impact of the acquisition trace ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Madjid Berraki (CGG), Sebastien Buizard (CGG), Jesus Ramirez (CGG), Rigmor Mette Elde (Statoil ASA), Subhro Sinha Roy (Statoil ASA), David Eckert (Statoil ASA), Johan-Fredrik Synnevåg (Statoil ASA) © 2017 EAGE | June

By August 2014 a full Permanent Reservoir Monitoring system was installed at the Grane field; since going live, five PRM surveys have been acquired. This paper describes how a robust sequence has been designed and optimized, thanks to the successful collaboration between processing (CGG) ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Sergey Birdus (CGG), Alexey Artemov (CGG), Kai Zhao (CGG), Dana Iwachow (Woodside Energy), Cristina Angheluta (Woodside Energy) © 2017 EAGE | June

We present a workflow for 3D MAZ PSDM velocity modeling with tilted orthorhombic anisotropy. We focus on two aspects of depth-velocity modeling that are extremely important for seismic data from the NW Australian shelf: (1) high resolution adaptive seismic tomography to deal with strong ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Delycia Cook, Gordon Poole, Rob Schouten, Christopher Mallows, Krzysztof Cichy, Harry Mchugh © 2017 EAGE | June

It is well known that imaging of complex regions can be significantly improved with increased illumination in terms of offset and azimuth sampling. In this case study we illustrate how an existing large scale acquisition can be enriched by acquiring a second complementary survey ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | James Cooper, Gordon Poole © 2017 EAGE | June

Absorption effects in the Earth attenuate high frequency seismic signal progressively with depth, reducing resolution and limiting the interpretability of the data. Conventional post-migration Q compensation methods often rely on artificial mechanisms to limit amplification of noise, at the expense of unintentionally restricting recovery ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Peter Denman (CGG), James Clough (CGG), Piotr Kurnik (CGG), Jay Taylor (CGG), Gioia Cattini (CGG), Andy Holman (CGG), Steve Hollingworth (CGG), Mark Ackers (Centrica), Svein Idar Forsund (Centrica), Chris Soufleris (Centrica) © 2017 EAGE | June

The North Sea is a mature basin where it is increasingly challenging to make new and economically viable discoveries. Even after discoveries have been made, it is vitally important to have high confidence in the reservoir’s extent and spatial location before committing to a ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Bing Bai, Yang Song, Yun Liu © 2017 EAGE | June

Complex overburden geology often creates difficulties in imaging reservoirs situated below. We used a field dataset from the GOM to demonstrate the benefits of combining FWI and LSM. We were able to generate a high-resolution velocity model through FWI, then use LSM to further ...

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