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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Gaurav Dutta, Hui Huang, Karthik Kanakamedala, Bin Deng, and Ping Wang, CGG © 2019 SEG | September

Interbed multiples cause artifacts in subsurface images because they are incorrectly migrated when using standard primary-based migration algorithms. While surface-related-multiple-elimination has been well established as a standard step in seismic processing, the usage of interbed multiple attenuation (IMA) remains low due to various practical ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Federico Miorelli, Randall Mackie, Wolfgang Soyer (CGG) ; Wolfang Soyer (TOTAL) © 2019 SEG | September

Geophysical imaging in the foothills environment is typically hampered by complex structure, and the high cost of data acquisition in poorly accessible, rugged topography. Seismic imaging is particularly difficult due to poor signal penetration, steeply dipping structures and irregular data coverage. The use of ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Joakim Blanch, Jon Jarvis, Chris Hurren, (BHP), Yan Liu, Lingli Hu (CGG). © 2019 SEG | September

Direct wave arrivals are the most robust signals to determine velocity and consequently they have been used for almost a century in hydrocarbon exploration. The reason is simple as the arrival time is explicitly available. In order to acquire these direct arrivals in a ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Yuan Yao*, Hongda Ma, Yan Liu, Chao Peng (CGG); Gopal Mohapatra, Gregory Duncan, Wisley Martins (Hess), Steve Checkles (Formerly Hess) © 2019 SEG | September

Subsalt imaging at Stampede field in the Gulf of Mexico has remained challenging for decades due to the existence of a large and complex sediment inclusion inside thick tabular salt. Recently, appropriate full-waveform inversion (FWI) algorithms have been developed for automatic salt model updating ...

Industry Article
Geo Expro | Javier Martin, Madhurima Bhattacharya, Marianne Parsons © 2019 GeoPublishing Ltd | September

Exploration on the African continent has traditionally been concentrated in prolific basins on the Sub-Saharan Western margin, in detriment to the East. Proven prolific basins, existing infrastructure, favourable and progressively transparent regulation; along with the analysis of prospective conjugate basins of Brazil are just ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Jiawei Mei*, Zhigang Zhang, Feng Lin, Rongxin Huang, Ping Wang (CGG); Cheryl Mifflin (BHP) © 2019 SEG | September

As the key step in subsalt imaging, conventional salt model building has typically relied on manual interpretation of the salt geometry, which proves to be difficult for resolving complex salt models. As a result, subsalt imaging has been approaching a plateau in the last ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Roberto Pereira, Mena Ramzy, Petre Griscenco, Benjamin Huard, Hui Huang, Luis Cypriano, and Adel Khalil © 2019 SEG | September

Areas with complex overburdens pose a major challenge for seismic imaging of deep targets. Reduced illumination can compromise velocity estimation and the image at the target level. A solution to this problem is given by ocean bottom node (OBN) acquisitions. They provide increased illumination ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Florian Jouno, Adriano Martinez, Denis Ferreira, Daniela Donno, and Adel Khalil (CGG) © 2019 SEG | September

Santos Basin has become one of the most prospective oil provinces in the world. Due to the geological complexity, OBN acquisition has emerged as an imaging solution. It provides the full-azimuth and long-offset illumination FWI needs to realize its potential. Given the right data ...

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