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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
EAGE workshop/forum/local conference | Ekaterina Kneller © 2016 EAGE | May

The use of broadband data in reservoir characterization has proven advantages. However, the whole workflow should be reviewed and renewed in order to get all the advantages of broadband data.

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Feng Yang, Ronan Sablon, Robert Soubaras © 2016 EAGE | May

Reliable low frequency content and phase alignment are critical for broadband seismic inversion and the prediction of reservoir properties. However, currently there is a lack of tools for ultra-low frequency (less than 5 Hz) quality and phase assessment. A focusing metric in the impedance ...

Technical Abstract
Workshop/forum/seminar (other) | Matthew Dack © 2016 | April

In an increasingly complex and challenging environment, CGG is building effective links between academia and industry and utilising new techniques to enhance hydrocarbon exploration success in a world where oil prices are highly volatile. In this environment there is increasing focus on risk reduction ...

Industry Article
First Break | Peter Kovac, Carlos Cevallos, Jurriaan Feijth © 2016 EAGE | April

Recently there has been renewed interest in the hydrocarbon potential of the Perth Basin in Western Australia. Recent discoveries of gas have shown that there is a working hydrocarbon system within at least the northern and central parts of the basin. In most parts ...

Industry Article
Other | Rob Schouten, Steve Toothill, Steve Thompson, Jo Firth © 2016 | March

The deepwater Gabon South Salt basin represents one of the last underexplored regions of the West African continental margin. A new 25,000-sq km (9,653-sq mi) broadband 3D seismic survey was recently acquired in the basin as part of an integrated eoscience program to support ...

Technical Abstract
CSEG - Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Kiki Hong Xu, Brian Russell © 2016 CSEG | March

The prediction of porosity is essential for the identification of productive hydrocarbon reservoirs in oil and gas exploration. Numerous useful technologies have been developed for porosity prediction in the subsurface, such as multiple attribute analysis, kriging, and cokriging. Kriging allows us to create spatial ...

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Yi Huang, Yang Li, Chang-chun Lee, Sabaresan Mothi, Yan Huang © 2016 SEG | March

Gulf of Mexico (GOM) subsalt imaging often suffers from poor illumination due to salt-related wavefield distortion, even with full-azimuth (FAZ) acquisition. In order to image the weakly illuminated subsalt plays, isolating the signal from the noise is a crucial component of many depth imaging ...

Industry Article
First Break | Guy Oliver, Graham Spence, April Davis, Sergey Stolyarov, David Gadzhimirzaev, Benjamin Ackley, Casey Lipp © 2016 EAGE | February

This case study highlights how the application of an optimized hydraulic fracture stimulation plan, by honoring lateral well geological heterogeneities measured by RoqSCAN, improved completion efficiency and well production within the Cleveland Sandstone formation, Oklahoma, USA.

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